Letยดs Get Quizzical! Join us for another BLAS online QUIZ.
You can register teams of maximum 7 persons. Hosts welcome their quiz team members at home. Under the current restrictions on social gatherings, hosts can invite up to 5 persons.
If you don't have a team yet, you can also register as a family or single and let us know if you want to be added to a team.
BLAS has the tradition to sponsor a charity to support the needed, which we feel is even more important in Covid times. This year we selected: New Life Stories, a non-profit organization that helps children of incarcerated parents as they are at an increased risk for abuse and different types of disruptive behaviour. Your registration fee will be integrally donated to this good cause. Thank you!
After your registration and payment, you will receive a separate zoom link for the quiz night, closer to the actual date.
As this event requires some planning, please respect the registration deadline of Sunday, 10 October by noon.