BLCCand BLAS, the 2 BE-LUX organisations in Singapore, jointly launch the Expat Series, a range of webinars focused on living in Singapore as an expat. The webinars are free of charge for both members and non-members of BLCC and/or BLAS.
During this third session, Jonathan Khoo of Financial Alliancewill talk about the essential insurance coverage for expatriates based in Singapore.
The various types of medical insurance in Singapore: Group Hospitalisation, Integrated Shield, Global Health and how they complement your Overseas Social Security coverage.
The other essential insurances: life insurance, disability insurance, home insurance, civil liability, etc and how they compare with Belgium or Luxembourg.
How you may be affected by the healthcare funding system in Singapore.
How you can leverage on the Healthy Active Life Expectancy (HALE) and longevity rates in Singapore (one of the highest in the world).
How insurance relates to your personal income taxes in Singapore.