BLAS will organise its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, 28 May 2020 at 7 pm.
All BLAS members are invited to join and hosts will welcome up to 5 participants in their homes, based on current safe management guidelines. The AGM will include an overview of last year's events, a financial annual statement, as well as the election of a new committee.
Please register by Sunday, 23 May. You can either register as an individual or as a couple (select quantity #1 per couple). Should you wish to add a specific topic to the agenda, please complete the related section in the registration form. As the AGM will be a hybrid event, members are also welcome to participate virtually from home. Please indicate this accordingly in the registration form; a separate communication will be sent with the Zoom meeting details in the week before the meeting.
The registration form can also be used to indicate your interest in becoming involved in organising activities as part of the BLAS committee. Your time commitment can be very flexible, we leave it completely up to you!
Once registrations are closed, the organising committee will split the participants over the different hosts and communicate the location accordingly, similar to our Mystery Get Togethers.
We hope to see you then!